We give our readers $83,312 to fix their website. Here's why.

Getting customers to buy is hard.
Getting customers to keep buying? That's harder.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions...

  • How do I instantly attract customers to my website?
  • Why aren't they buying my product or service?
  • When they do buy, how do I get them to buy more?

If you've asked yourself these questions or you've struggled to get the results you want from your website, HooktoWin is for you.

HooktoWin shows you how to get customers to buy.

Customers need 9 things from your website before they're ready to buy.
We share the strategy and tactics you need to get (and keep) more customers.

HooktoWin is about one thing: Getting (and keeping) customers. Need to know why customers aren't buying from your website? Want them to buy more? How do you attract and convert them in the first place?

Our 5 day mini course shows you.

Learning is easy, doing is hard.

If you've read Hook you get Free, Lifetime Access to our Website Wizard. It gives you step-by-step instruction, showing you what your website needs to do to get customers to buy.

It's a tool we've spent more than 656 hours and $83,312 developing and it's available to you, free of charge.

Who's behind HooktoWin?





We work together at an agency called WiseToWeb. Getting customers is our day job. We create websites, content and tools everyday to help clients do just that.

Here's a quick snapshot of some things we've done.

  • We took a tech client from zero website sales to $540,000 in 24 months
  • We achieved a 27.33% conversion rate for a personal training client. 80% of the leads we generated became customers, paying 60% more than any other lead source.
  • We increased website traffic by 1055% for a general contractor. He got leads worth $131,000 in less than 31 days.

This isn't about bragging rights, awards or accolades.
It's about you.

We live and breathe this stuff.

It isn't a hobby or something we do in our spare time. It's something we do day in, day out. Businesses and entrepreneurs struggle with marketing failure. The kind of failure that puts them out of business.

We're tired of it. We want something different for you.
Ready to take the first step?

Sign-up for our 5 day mini course.